The Vienna Sphere, the native think tank of PeaceX, is unwaveringly pledged to propel research on addressing, understanding, dissecting and disseminating knowledge on the world's greatest plights and their solutions. The Vienna Sphere fosters objective, democratised and diverse research. Our humble mandate is to streamline the hungers of changemakers in effectively scrutinizing and improving development stratagems. We believe that in contrast to consigning research to the insulated ivory towers of academia, the plurality of analyses from manifold backgrounds ameliorate the league of solutions offered. Our work makes an assay into a range of themes: international relations, sustainable development, policymaking and so on.
Beyond the embryonic stage of our existence, we plan to grow increasingly multidisciplinary and extensive in our scope of research. We marshal our insights in the form of research papers, reports, opinion editorials, essays and more. PeaceX takes no institutional position in the matters of policy and research.